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Luke 4:1-13

Shape: Shadow Triangle

Jesus' Identity was attacked as he was tempted in the Desert with Shadow copies of the Up, In, Out. His Appetite (in his case, for food) was attacked because our sense of need gives us a definition of who we are (sex, love, nurturing, sustenance, etc.). He was attacked in Approval when challenged to throw himself down from the Temple. Rather than live as children of God, we are seduced into living for the Approval of others. He was attacked in Ambition when the world was offered to him. We too are attracted to growing our own empires and power structures. 


This temptation triangle can be seen everywhere...I personally struggle with an insatiable Appetite for sex, with food and drink a close second. That subtle urge to fill myself with something to eat is always lurking. Through Christ, I am able to see that most of my personal relationships are rooted in seeking the Approval of those around me. I can easily slide into gossipy conversations about other people with a co-worker, which is a subversive way of attempting to get that co-worker "on my side" by getting them off the side of the others! Ambition used to tempt me in more obvious ways as I strove to climb the career ladder. Now, I am tempted in being known for my reputation, for being smart, and for being "right".

Another interesting example is from "Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith": Look for Anakin fighting Appetite (for family), Approval (of the Jedi Council), Ambition (too many to list!). 

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